Rodents – What you need to know

by | Jun 4, 2023 | Blog, Helpful Advice

As the weather cools down you may notice more rodent activity in your homes and businesses. Rodents are small mammals that are capable of reproducing rapidly and can cause considerable damage to properties. The most common types of rodents in South-East Queensland are mice and rats. The three dominant rodent pest species in South-East Queensland are the Norway Rat, the Roof Rat, and the House Mouse. These three rodents are known as commercial pests and are extremely common.

Classic signs of a rodent infestation include droppings, gnawed wires or furniture, and scratching noises in the walls or ceilings. You might even sight one scurrying across the room or the yard. It is important to note that rodents are known to carry diseases, which can be transmitted to humans or your pets, making it critical to address any potential infestations quickly.

Prevention is key when it comes to dealing with rodents. Homeowners and business owners should take steps to prevent rodents from entering their properties by sealing entry points, keeping food stored properly, and maintaining a clean environment. Additionally, it is important to keep an eye out for signs of rodents and address any potential infestations quickly.

While prevention is important, sometimes you need to hire a professional pest control company to address a rodent infestation. Pest control companies have the expertise and equipment to eliminate rodents safely and effectively, and they should provide homeowners and business owners with tips and guidance on how to prevent future infestations.

Shorty’s Pest Management can develop a rodent treatment plan to suit your needs. For a standard 3–4-bedroom house all our treatment plans have a minimum of Initial installation of Premium rodent bait in up to 3 large tamper resistant stations and a follow up visit (Inc topping up eaten baits) after 4-6 weeks. If your house is larger or if the infestation is significant, we will develop a tailored plan for your home. We also develop and manage commercial rodent plans.

To ensure the health and safety of everyone at your home or commercial premises, we only install high quality, commercial grade rodenticides in approved rigid plastic tamper resistant rodent stations. Even in your roof or subfloor voids. This ensures that only the rats and mice can access the baits and not kids, pets and non-target species like possums and birds.

Norway Rat or Brown Rat

Roof Rat or Black Rat

House Mouce or Field Mouse